

Signature Service Integration Service REST API


REST API for the Signature Service Integration Service.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction

    1.1. Design Principles

  2. Configuration

  3. Creating a SignRequest

    3.1. SignRequest Input

    3.1.1. Requesting a Visible PDF Signature

    3.2. SignRequest Data

  4. Processing a SignResponse

    4.1. Processing Input

    4.2. Signature Result

  5. Errors

    5.1. Error codes

1. Introduction



Note: Authentication is not defined and should be solved using headers (OAuth2, BasicAuth, …) or TLS client certificate.

1.1. Design Principles


2. Configuration


Describe how the current configuration can be obtained Set policy as URL-parameter

3. Creating a SignRequest

POST /v1/create

3.1. SignRequest Input

In the documentation for the Java API a code example of how to create a minimal SignRequestInput. The JSON structure below is the how this parameter looks in for the REST service:

  "signRequesterID" : "",
  "authnRequirements" : {
    "authnServiceID" : "",
    "authnContextRef" : "",
    "requestedSignerAttributes" : [ {
      "name" : "urn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13",
      "value" : "196911292032"
    } ]
  "tbsDocuments" : [ {
    "id" : "doc-1",
    "content" : "PE15RG9jPjxWYWx1ZT5BcHByb3ZlPC9WYWx1ZT48L015RG9jPg==",
    "mimeType" : "application/xml"
  } ],
  "signMessageParameters" : {
    "signMessage" : "I approve this contract",
    "performEncryption" : true,
    "mimeType" : "text",
    "mustShow" : true,
    "displayEntity" : ""

The Configuration section above describes all the possible default settings. If we want to override them and create a request that is very detailed, we end up with a larger structure.

The example below displays a complete SignRequest Input data structure (where no default values are used):

  "correlationId" : "28bc2b39-9a62-43b7-8bc2-c1cb6b13bacc",
  "policy" : "swedish-eid",
  "signRequesterID" : "",
  "returnUrl" : "",
  "destinationUrl" : "",
  "signatureAlgorithm" : "",
  "authnRequirements" : {
    "authnServiceID" : "",
    "authnContextRef" : "",
    "requestedSignerAttributes" : [ {
      "type" : "saml",
      "name" : "urn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13",
      "value" : "196911292032",
      "nameFormat" : "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri",
      "attributeValueType" : "string"
    }, {
      "name" : "urn:oid:",
      "value" : "1969-11-29"
    } ]
  "certificateRequirements" : {
    "certificateType" : "PKC",
    "attributeMappings" : [ {
      "sources" : [ {
        "type" : "saml",
        "name" : "urn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13"
      } ],
      "destination" : {
        "type" : "rdn",
        "name" : "",
        "friendlyName" : "serialNumber",
        "required" : true
    }, {
      "sources" : [ {
        "name" : "urn:oid:"
      } ],
      "destination" : {
        "type" : "rdn",
        "name" : "urn:oid:",
        "defaultValue" : "SE",
        "friendlyName" : "country",
        "required" : true
    } ]
  "tbsDocuments" : [ {
    "id" : "doc-1",
    "content" : "PE15RG9jPjxWYWx1ZT5BcHByb3ZlPC9WYWx1ZT48L015RG9jPg==",
    "mimeType" : "application/xml",
    "processingRules" : "rule-xyz",
    "adesRequirement" : {
      "adesFormat" : "EPES",
      "signaturePolicy" : "etsi123"
  } ],
  "signMessageParameters" : {
    "signMessage" : "I approve this contract",
    "performEncryption" : true,
    "mimeType" : "text",
    "mustShow" : true,
    "displayEntity" : ""

TODO: Describe all settings

3.1.1. Requesting a Visible PDF Signature

TODO: Explain the feature of visible PDF signatures

  "signRequesterID" : "",
  "authnRequirements" : {
    "authnServiceID" : "",
    "authnContextRef" : "",
    "requestedSignerAttributes" : [ {
      "name" : "urn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13",
      "value" : "196911292032"
    }, {
      "name" : "urn:oid:",
      "value" : "Kalle"
    }, {
      "name" : "urn:oid:",
      "value" : "Kula"
    } ]
  "tbsDocuments" : [ {
    "id" : "doc-1",
    "content" : "QmxhY...hYmxh",
    "mimeType" : "application/pdf",
    "visiblePdfSignatureRequirement" : {
      "templateImageRef" : "companylogo1",
      "signerName" : {
        "signerAttributes" : [ {
          "name" : "urn:oid:"
        }, {
          "name" : "urn:oid:"
        }, {
          "name" : "urn:oid:1.2.752.29.4.13"
        } ],
        "formatting" : "%0 %1 (%2)"
      "scale" : 0,
      "page" : 1,
      "fieldValues" : {
        "reason" : "Approval"
      "xposition" : 100,
      "yposition" : 100
  } ],
  "signMessageParameters" : {
    "signMessage" : "I approve this contract",
    "performEncryption" : true,
    "mimeType" : "text",
    "mustShow" : true,
    "displayEntity" : ""

TODO: Explain the specific fields

3.2. SignRequest Data

4. Processing a SignResponse


4.1. Processing Input

4.2. Signature Result

5. Errors

5.1. Error Codes


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