All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for identity attributes.
Internal class used for serialization across library classes and for representing the version of the API.
A sign requester specifies a set of authentication requirements regarding the signer when sending a SignRequest message.
Builder for AuthnRequirements objects.
Class that represents a bad request to the SignService Integration Service.
Describes how a signer's identity attribute(s) are mapped to a certificate attribute to be placed in the issued signature certificate.
Builder for CertificateAttributeMapping objects.
Representation of the different certificate types that are supported by a SignService.
Interface for loading the content from a file resource.
A singleton to be used internally for loading resources.
A ContentLoader that is used to load file resource contents.
Representation of document types (documents for signing).
Representation of encryption algorithms to be used when encrypting a sign message for an Identity Provider.
Representation of parameters for RSA OAEP key transport algorithm(s).
When using the SignService Integration Service via a REST API we report errors using error codes (and of course messages).
A typed category (for use in exceptions).
A typed code (for use in exceptions).
An extension to the interface describing the API for the SignService Integration Service.
Interface that may be inherited for domain objects that should be extensible with name-value pair parameters.
Represents an extension to a domain object.
Builder for Extension objects.
A FileResource class is a generic class for handling file resources used in configuration of a SignService Integration Service.
Builder class for FileResource.
Exception class for input validation errors.
Interface that represents the default settings of a SignService Integration Service policy/instance.
Exception class to report that the caller does not have access on a given resource.
Interface for a builder.
Representation of a image template that is used for visible PDF signatures.
Builder for PdfSignatureImageTemplate objects.
Representation of a "PDF signature page".
Representation of the configuration of where in a PDF signature page PDF signature images should be inserted.
Builder for PdfSignatureImagePlacementConfiguration objects.
Builder for PdfSignPagePreferences objects.
An exception that is reported by ExtendedSignServiceIntegrationService.preparePdfSignaturePage(String, byte[], PdfSignaturePagePreferences) if there is no more room in a PDF signature page to insert a PDF signature image.
Representation of preferences for adding or modifying a PdfSignaturePage.
Builder for PdfSignaturePagePreferences objects.
Exception class for references to a non-existing policy.
The PreparedPdfDocument is the representation of the object that is returned from ExtendedSignServiceIntegrationService.preparePdfSignaturePage(String, byte[], PdfSignaturePagePreferences).
Builder for PreparedPdfDocument objects.
Class that represents the input to ExtendedSignServiceIntegrationService.preparePdfSignaturePage(String, byte[], PdfSignaturePagePreferences) when implemented as a REST endpoint.
The ProceessSignResponseInput class is intended to be used when the SignService Integration service is implemented as a REST service.
Builder for ProcessSignResponseInput objects.
Represents a requested certificate attribute.
Builder for RequestedCertificateAttribute objects.
Represents the types of requested certificate attributes.
When the Sign Service Integration service is running as a REST service the clients need to have a concrete class so that JSON deserialization will work.
An enum that is used when stating how an XML signed document should be compiled.
Representation of the result of a signature operation.
Builder for SignatureResult objects.
The SignatureState is used to represent the state of an ongoing signature operation.
Represents a signed document.
Builder for SignedDocument objects.
A representation of the assertion info for the signer's "authentication for signature" that was performed during a signature operation.
Builder for SignerAssertionInformation objects.
Representation of a signer identity attribute.
Builder for SignerIdentityAttribute objects.
Representation of the value of a signer attribute.
Builder for SignerIdentityAttributeValue objects.
When sending a SignRequest, a sign requester specifies a set of requirements for the signature certificate that is generated by the sign service.
Builder for SigningCertificateRequirements objects
Enum representing a MIME type for sign messages.
A representation of sign message parameters.
A builder for SignMessageParameters.
Domain class representing the result of a SignServiceIntegrationService.createSignRequest(SignRequestInput) call.
Builder for SignRequestData objects.
Class that represents the input to a SignServiceIntegrationService.createSignRequest(SignRequestInput) operation.
Builder for SignRequestInput.
Dedicated exception class to represent a user cancel.
Exception class that represents non-successful DSS operations.
Builder for SignResponseProcessingParameters objects.
Abstract class for exception that reports errors for a given category.
The SignServiceIntegrationErrorBody is a representation of a SignService Integration error message when the service is implemented as a REST service.
For DSS errors.
Representation of validation errors.
Base class for Sign Service Integration exceptions.
Interface describing the API for the SignService Integration Service.
An enum that represents the different name types that can be stored in an X.509 subject alternative name certificate extension.
Represents a document that is to be signed along with the per-document requirements and parameters.
Enum reprenting an ETSI AdES format.
Representation of an ETSI AdES signature requirement.
Builder for TbsDocument objects.
Class that represents the requirement for including a visible indication stating that a PDF document has been signed, and by whom.
Builder for VisiblePdfSignatureRequirement objects.
Representation of the user information that is injected into a PDF signature image.
Class representing the input needed to display the signer name in a visible PDF signature.
Builder for SignerName objects.
Builder for VisiblePdfSignatureUserInformation objects.
Tells where in an XML document the signature should be inserted.
Enum for indicating the insertion point within a selected parent node.
Builder for XMLSignatureLocation objects.